Monday, 6 February 2017

Temuduga Terbuka di Prasarana Malaysia Berhad - 8 - 28 Feb 2017

Prasarana Malaysia Berhad or Prasarana is the biggest public transport service operator in Malaysia. Established in 1998 and operational since 2002, Prasarana is the asset owner and operator of the country’s two LRT networks and the KL Monorail; in addition to the bus services of Rapid KL, Rapid Penang, Rapid Kuantan as well as Bus Rapid Transit - Sunway Line (BRT - Sunway Line), Malaysia’s first full-fledged electric bus service and the first fully elevated Bus Rapid Transit in South East Asia.



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Temuduga Terbuka 2016 di Prasarana Malaysia Berhad

Kerja Kosong Terkini Prasarana Malaysia Berhad

Kerja Kosong Terkini Prasarana Malaysia Berhad

Company Overview

Formerly known as Syarikat Prasarana Negara Berhad, Prasarana Malaysia Berhad or Prasarana, in short, takes after a new name in July, 2014 to reflect its current roles and business operations, including the initiative to become an active international player.

Established in 1998 and operational since 2002, Prasarana is the asset owner and operator of the country’s two LRT networks and the KL Monorail; in addition to the bus services of RapidKL, RapidPenang and RapidKuantan.


Beyond the efforts to transform the country’s public transport services via Rapid Rail Sdn Bhd and Rapid Bus Sdn Bhd, Prasarana has also established Prasarana Integrated Management and Engineering Services Sdn Bhd (PRIME) to provide management and engineering consultancy services, Prasarana Integrated Development Sdn Bhd (PRIDE) to undertake commercial and transit-oriented development projects to further strengthen the performance of the company and Prasarana Rail and Infrastructure Projects Sdn Bhd (PRAISE) to focus on major public transport infrastructure projects assigned to the Group.
